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Slovak-German translation for: [Poet]
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Dictionary Slovak German: [Poet]

Translation 1 - 42 of 42


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abože {conj} [poet.]oder
jarý {adj} [kniž.] [poet.] [svieži, čerstvý]frisch
mĺkvo {adv} [poet.] [ticho]still
mĺkvy {adj} [poet.] [tichý]still
sťa {conj} [poet.]wie [Vergleichspartikel]
sťaby {conj} [poet.] [ako]wie
sťaby {conj} [poet.] [akoby]als ob
valný {adj} [poet.] [napr. rieka]reißend [z. B. Fluss]
zlatý {adj}gülden [poet.]
kojiť n-ho/ n-čo {verb} [nedok.] [kniž. al. poet.] [zast.] [upokojovať, tíšiť]jdn./etw. beschwichtigen
beľ {f} [poet.]Weiße {f} [weiße Farbe, weißes Aussehen]
belota {f} [poet.]Weiße {f} [weiße Farbe, weißes Aussehen]
blankyt {m} [kniž.]Azur {m} [poet.] [Himmelsblau]
breh {m}Gestade {n} [poet.] [Ufer]
bremä {n} [poet.] [zast.]Bürde {f}
erdžot {m} [poet.]Gewieher {n} [eines Pferdes]
krásota {f} [poet.]Schönheit {f}
mĺkvota {f} [poet.] [tichosť]Stille {f}
mstiteľ {m} [poet.] [zast.] [pomstiteľ]Rächer {m}
anat. ňadrá {pl} [poet.] [hruď]Busen {m}
anat. ňadro {n} [poet.] [prsník]Brust {f}
ostrov {m}Eiland {n} [poet.] [Insel]
peruť {f} [kniž.] [poet.] [krídlo]Schwinge {f} [geh.] [Flügel]
pobrežie {n}Gestade {n} [poet.] [Küste]
pocel {m} [poet.]Kuss {m}
prameň {m}Born {m} [poet.]
prsť {f} [kniž.] [aj: poet.]Boden {m} [Erdreich]
prsť {f} [kniž.] [aj: poet.]Erde {f}
púpä {n} [poet.]Knospe {f}
ramä {n} [poet.] [zast.] [paža]Arm {m}
hydrol. riava {f} [poet.]Gebirgsbach {m}
rodoláska {f} [zast.] [poet.]Heimatliebe {f}
semä {n} [poet.] [zast.] [rastlinné semeno]Same {m}
semä {n} [poet.] [zast.] [sperma]Samen {m} [Sperma]
slza {f}Zähre {f} [veraltet] [poet.] [hum.]
anat. temä {n} [zast.] [poet.]Scheitel {m} [oberste Stelle]
tíš {f} [poet.] [ticho]Stille {f}
veleba {f} [poet.]Preis {m}
vesna {f} [kniž.] [poet.] [jar]Lenz {m} [poet.] [Frühling]
vienok {m} [poet.]Kränzchen {n} [kleiner Kranz]
žriedlo {n} [prameň]Born {m} [poet.]
2 Words: Nouns
les. brezový háj {m}Birkenhain {m} [poet.]
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